Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): Turkish Journal of Marketing


Dr., Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University

Published 08/24/2020


  • görsel davranış,
  • göz takip tekniği,
  • reklam
  • visual behavior,
  • eye tracking technique,
  • advertisement

How to Cite

TOKMAK, G. (2020). A CONCEPTUAL STUDY ON EYE-TRACKING TECHNIQUE IN MARKETING COMMUNICATION. Turkish Journal of Marketing, 5(2), 121–140. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v5i2.92


Attention is thought to be the first step of the mental process leading the consumer to purchase. Brands use marketing communication elements such as advertisement in print and visual media, website in online shopping, product positioning to the shelves in point of purchase to attract attention. The eye-tracking technique is a neuromarketing technique which enables to measure the success of marketing communication elements in attracting attention. With the help of data provided by eye-tracking technique, as marketing practitioners can get important clues about how to increase noticeability, theoreticians can find an opportunity to thoroughly investigate marketing relationship with the other disciplines such as psychology and neurology. This study is a conceptual study which provides comprehensive information about eye-tracking technique and the usage of the technique in marketing communication. With this study, it is aimed to guide marketing practitioners and theoreticians about the use of eye-tracking technique and marketing elements that they can measure with the technique.


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