Published 12/25/2024
- Traditional Food, Women Entrepreneur, Bingöl, Local Product, Gastronomy
Copyright (c) 2024 Murat Doğan- Handan Hamarat- Mehmet Gül
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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This study assesses the traditional food knowledge levels and entrepreneurial attitudes of female entrepreneurs in Bingöl province. This study employed semi-structured interview techniques and descriptive and content analysis methods from qualitative research and phenomenology. The research sample consisted of seven female entrepreneurs residing in Bingöl, selected through criterion sampling. The data obtained from the interviews was categorized into six themes using content analysis with the MAXQDA program: (1) female entrepreneurs; (2) contributions to the development of the province; (3) incentives; (4) traditional foods; (5) marketing methods; and (6) budget support. The research findings revealed that the knowledge level of female entrepreneurs residing in Bingöl province regarding traditional foods is notably high. While some participants source the primary ingredients for the traditional foods they produce and sell from local suppliers, others produce and utilize some of these main ingredients themselves. Overall, it has been established that the knowledge level of female entrepreneurs about traditional foods is sufficient, and their entrepreneurial attitudes towards traditional foods are positive.
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