Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Turkish Journal of Marketing

The mediating role of brand trust in the effect of social media marketing on repurchase behaviour

Mehmet Gökerik
Assist. Prof. Dr., Karabük University, Karabük, Türkiye

Published 06/25/2024


  • Social Media Marketing, Brand Trust, Repurchase Behaviour, Digital Marketing, Social Media

How to Cite

The mediating role of brand trust in the effect of social media marketing on repurchase behaviour. (2024). Turkish Journal of Marketing, 9(2), 36-51. https://doi.org/10.30685/tujom.v9i2.195


This study investigates the impact of social media marketing activities on consumer repurchase behaviours and the mediating role of brand trust in this process. Analyses indicate that the use of social media platforms enhances consumers' trust in brands, and this trust, in turn, strengthens their intentions to repurchase, creating a positive effect. The findings underscore that social media marketing activities can generate significant value for businesses by boosting consumer interaction and brand trust. This research provides substantial evidence of brand trust's positive and meaningful impact in the relationship between social media marketing and repurchase behaviour and how social media marketing strategies can indirectly influence consumer behaviours. Hence, the study suggests that businesses should design their social media marketing strategies to establish solid and trust-based relationships with consumers, highlighting that this approach can positively affect consumers' repurchase behaviours. These findings demonstrate the strategic importance of social media marketing activities for businesses and how brand trust can be leveraged to maximize benefits from these activities.


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