Published 09/25/2022
- Women Consumers, Advertising Strategies, Purchasing Intention

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Increasingly knowledgeable and financially independent women consumers make businesses a key target for marketing and advertising strategies. Repeating advertisements, associating brands with celebrities, contrasting the advertised product with rival offerings to impress the consumer, using sexually suggestive elements in advertisements, or incorporating various comedic elements are all important ways for advertisers and consumers to examine consumer purchasing behaviour. Therefore, it's essential to determine whether these strategies are successful. This study was conducted to uncover the impact of the strategies used in ads (repeat exposure, celebrity use, product comparison, sexual attraction, and use of humour) on the purchasing behaviours of women consumers. In this context, data were collected from 399 women consumers, who were selected by convenience sampling, by online questionnaire method, one of the quantitative research methods and data was analyzed with the Structural Equation Model. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the use of celebrities, product comparison, sexual attractiveness, and humour use strategies were influential in the purchasing behaviour of women consumers. Still, the repeated exposure strategy did not affect the purchasing behaviour of women consumers.
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