Bibliometric analysis of empirical studies on the subject of COVID-19 in consumer behaviour researches between 2020-2021 with visual mapping technique

Published 12/24/2021
Copyright (c) 2021 İbrahim Aydın- Zübeyir Çelik

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This study visually presents bibliometric analyses for quantitative, qualitative and mixed empirical consumer behaviour research on COVID-19 published in various leading research journals with Scopus, ESCI and/or SSCI indexes in 2020 and 2021. For this aim, bibliometric analyzes of 50 studies selected for this study were performed using the VOSviewer software. According to the results obtained from the study, it was observed that primarily multi-author empirical studies were conducted at the national or global level regarding the changing consumer behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the studies conducted by the researchers, consumer behaviours were evaluated multidimensionally by using different theoretical models. For this, data were collected from consumers with other demographic characteristics by various methods and different analysis methods were used to analyse the collected data. The study provides implications as well as directions for future studies.
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